Murder By Dow Corning Silicone Breast Implants -
In Pursuit Of Justice...
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Susan Walker - Age 62 January 9, 2009
First, let me give a little background about myself:
In 1978, I was a pretty, single working mother of 3 young children who, needed me to be strong and healthy in order
to work and raise them. I was all they had in this world and things were very difficult for us. I usually worked 2 and 3 jobs
just to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads. I got no child support nor was food stamps or any of those social
services available to me.
I survived breast cancer, only to fall prey to DOW Corning's
, Toxic Waste Silicone Poisoning. The hardships caused by all of my health issues from Silicone is just a crime against me
and everyone who has had to suffer through this. I have suffered from these illnesses for over 30 years.
Now, DOW thinks I should justify my life to
them, just to get a petty settlement for my disease claim. Hell, there is no way they could ever repay me for all of the hardships,
pain and suffering they have caused me and my children. They are a company that is greed and profit driven, they don't care
how many of us have to die to make that profit either.
I had a Modified Radical Mastectomy of the left breast March 12,
1978 due to breast cancer. Later that same year, I had reconstructive surgery done using a Dow Corning silicone breast implant.
It would last a lifetime they said..... well after thinking about that statement, I guess they were not lying; this silicone
will be with me until my dying day, that's for certain.
After my breast reconstruction surgery, I began having problems right
away, burning pain in my breast, side and left arm. I seem to have become a whole different person after that surgery. I began
to feel surreal; always sick, in pain, erratic in all that I said and did. I was unable to have a conversation with anyone
for more than a few seconds without having an emotional outburst. I would break into tears, sweats, feel faint or go into
a strange angry rage. I didn't seem to have any self control and couldn't organize my thoughts. It is hard to explain all
of this because I was recovering from breast cancer at the same time and I didn't know what was normal and what wasn't. My
life became Hell for me and my children.
Today, looking back on that time, I know that my implant must have
ruptured immediately after being implanted, because I have never known one moment of feeling good or how it feels to be without
pain since, that day in November 1978.
I couldn't raise my left arm for over two years, today I still can't
do many things with this arm, I just make do, as best I can.
I began to have bazaar illnesses that came and went and came back
again. Doctors had no idea what was wrong with me and never once did any of them connect my leaking implant to any of these
illnesses. I did tell every doctor I went to, that I thought my implant was leaking too.
I spent thousands of dollars on hospitals, doctors, medical tests
and medications; it was just like throwing money down a dark hole. Money I did not have, money I needed to put toward my children's
needs. I had become so depressed and emotionally distraught, not to mention financially ruined; that one of those doctors
kept me on Prozac for 10 years. No wonder I was suicidal. I can't tell you how many times I was misdiagnosed, it is amazing
that I have survived at all. Meanwhile..... my children suffered as much, if not more, than I did.
According to one study -The "Harvard Nurses Study," officially titled
Silicone Breast Implants and Connective Tissue Disease : "Conclusions about silicone poisoning were based on "classic auto-immune
diseases" and symptoms.As are all of these studies. But silicone poisoning is a new disease, which does not show "classic"
autoimmune symptoms.
Below I have a list of some of my symptoms, there is still lots more
and I will add it as I rewrite this and remember it. I finally had my poison, ruptured silicone implant out in 1997 and a
"SAFE, WILL LAST A LIFETIME " SALINE one put in. I still did not know any of the facts about these breast implants so I got
me another one !
I had been told that my ruptured implant was just an isolated case,
so I went on believing the FDA, AMA and all of the doctors who were willing to keep telling me it was ok....There was a time
that I was more than willing to give the doctors the benefit of a doubt concerning what they knew and when they knew it, but
now... I don't think so. I thank GOD for the Internet and all of the brave souls who are telling their story's. I am becoming
rapidly informed and hope to get the attention of others who may be thinking about implants.
My Saline implant is leaking now and I must see one of these
surgeons and have it out, but only after I figure out where to get the money to have it removed. I will just be lopsided from
now on, all of the pain and suffering is not worth it and I would never have opted for this if I had known the truth. It does
no good to survive breast cancer only to have a product like this, cause so much pain and suffering, it will probably take
my life as it has so many others, but I will not go quietly.... I will spend every moment of my remaining time on this earth
exposing the truth about DOW and the crimes they have committed to women and children.
There is a lot that needs to be said in this narrative and I will
add some to this, but I am writing a book and much of it will be found there too. I want to tell my story fully and how I
have been treated by The Dow Corning Settlement Facility. Something legal needs to be done about them. They answer to no one.
The Claimants Advisory Committee was appointed to oversee their operations but there needs to be an Ombudsman and careful
scrutiny of their activities. They do as they please and I doubt that any of those doing reviews or supervising the activities
there; have the credentials to be reviewing confidential medical records. The employees treat us claimants as if they have
a personal vendetta against us; makes me wonder if they get huge bonuses every time they deny a claim.... I am serious about
that ! There will be more on this, you can bank on it.
In these photos- You will see scars from rashes where large pieces of silicone have erupted into bleeding
sores with large plastic-like centers. Silicone pops out from skin pours in fine beads, and recent sores. This continues to
be a problem.
It is a medical fact that silicone travels throughout the body, invading every major organ, including the
brain... It doesn't just move around, it also causes damage as it travels around in you body.
Please note how brightly silicone shows in these photos. (small white colored pieces coming from my pours)
It also looks this way in X-Ray's... Any doctor can see it and they know when they see Silicone in your body too.
Some of the larger silicone plastic pieces that have erupted from the larger sores, is very dark in color.
I don't know what causes some to be dark and some very bright, unless it is from the blood involved with these large sores.
There is much pain, itching, burning and otherwise discomfort involved with these rashes.
I have had 30 years of this, most uncomfortable and I have had enough !
Click Picture For Larger View |

Results Of Silicone Rash |
WalkerPhotos- Dec. 30,2008
Click Picture For Larger View |

Silicone Rash, On My Skin and In ALL Major Body Organs |
Some Diseases I have been diagnosed with:
Hypothyroidism, Osteo-arthritis, Osteoporosis, Degenerative
Bone/ Joint Disease, Connective Tissue Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel
Syndrome, Hemorrhoids, GERD Disease, Diverticulosis, Hernia, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Breast
Cancer, Sleep Disorders, Migraine Headaches, Autoimmune Thyroid Disease... There are more which I will add later *
Every Day
When I wake up, sometimes I can't even get out of my bed.
I am stiff and movement is painful. Often, I am numb. My shoulder joints have severe pain because of Connective Tissue Disease,
I have no cartilage in most of my joints and my shoulders are a real source of pain.
I must keep something to drink at all times of day and night
because, my throat becomes dry and I am unable to swallow, I have no Silvia and I choke! I often wake up in the middle of
the night strangling because my throat seems to close up and I can't breathe. I keep Vicks in my nose at all times because
my nose is dry and I have trouble breathing. About 5 times a day, I apply Artificial Tears (eye drops) to my eyes and I apply
AXE Brand Oil to my aching muscles to soothe pain and for relief of headaches.
I still take medications every day, but can't afford to take
all of the ones I had been taking. My prescription drug bills were running me over $ 1,000.00 per month up until 2006, at
which time I could not even afford food, so that settled that. I have much to say on this subject and will cover it in my
book, but I will say that; It took me 7 months to get EMERGENCY FOOD STAMPS from the State Of Texas. I have no hope of ever
getting help from social service or Social Security.
Symptoms I have or have had that I relate to Silicone-
Lumps and masses in breasts and under arms / Swollen breasts, tender to touch , pressure in chest cavity / Pain in breast and muscles across chest, back and shoulders / Shortness of breath, progressively becoming worse, effort to breathe / Chronic cough and respiratory problems- difficult to recover from cold, flu,
bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses / -Unexplained
rashes that become open sores, containing hard knots in the center. Beads of silicone coming to surface and pop out as beads
of plastic. I have scars all over my upper body: back, arms, shoulders and sides from these rash / sores that appear often
and in mass. / Hot spots on skull and different parts of my body
which move around / Weakness, trembling and feeling faint. Often
feverish and nauseated / Chronic Fatigue / Unreliable energy - hyper-active, alternating with no energy at all. Often
too weak to get up out of bed. / Severe pain in bones, joints,
and muscles. Fibromyalgia, Osteo-Arthritis, Degenerative Joint Disease, Degenerative Bone Disease more on this -*** / Tingling, Pain and Numbness in a total limb or half of body, numb hands, numb
face, numb fingers, numb lips. Numbness and pain in shoulder joints and cervical spine, knees, feet and toes. I have cut myself
and do not realize it until I see the blood dripping or smeared. / Dry eyes, dry ears, dry mouth, dry vagina, dry skin with itching and burning. / Large blood clots from nose / Dark red bloody wax
from ears, wake up and ears have bled on pillow / Headaches /
Morning stiffness with pain / My hair falls out in clumps. /
Two Clumps of hair from my brush. Each clump is representative of two days of my hair that I removed from my brush.
This does not include all of the hair that goes down the drain or is all over the house...Just from my brush.
Walker Photos - Hair from hair brush Dec 27,28,29,30th 2008
In 1994, I had a serious and suspicious episode with my Lungs. I saw one Doctor Rollins who treated me by keeping me
knocked out... Best I can remember, I was in so much pain and could not breathe, he kept me on strong codeine and in bed.
it was the only way I could breath without severe pain in my lungs. I had a severe cough and often coughed up a strange looking
substance. I will give this more thought and update .I need to refer to my notes and talk to my family-***
Severe and chronic diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and
bleeding hemorrhoids for more than 20 years.
Loss of memory, unable to concentrate, confused and often
could not remember how to do the most menial of tasks; things I had done all of my life. One example: I couldn't remember
how to turn on my computer or access a file folder. I have been a computer expert of sorts for more than 40 years, beginning
as a programmer back in the days of DOS. I have worked with computers since I was 20 years old, and couldn't remember how
to turn on my PC.*** Along with this was a feeling of insanity that has decreased in the past couple of years. I truly felt
insane for many years.
Profuse sweating / Depression from chemical imbalance / Loss of teeth,
All of my teeth erupted for no apparent reason. / Blurred
vision alternating with 20/20 vision. Unable to get a good prescription due to ever changing vision. / frequent eye infections, have had long strings of slime removed from my eyes...Not allergies either../
I had a vaginal hysterectomy in 1981 where the surgical report
stated that there was a large mass of unidentifiable stringy web like substance all over my insides... I had several colon
problems at that time too and had "abbesses" surgically removed from my colon on two occasions. More on this -***
Auto-immune deficiency - every little cut or scratch becomes
infected, difficult to recover from cold, flu, bronchitis, injuries, surgery.
Injuries become magnified and worse instead of healing rapidly.
Each injury takes longer to recover from.
Severe allergies to things never allergic to before, including
medications, supplements, food, and food additives, plants, flowers, dust, pets. Hyper sensitive to smell of chemicals, cleaning
additives and pesticides.
Shooting pains in different parts of body / Bulging and collapsed disks in my back / Sciatic severe pain / Loss of balance , Dizziness / Loss of depth perception, constantly
bump into things, trip, fall down / Severe muscle
spasms and body cramps, including major organs / Extreme
nervousness, often emotional, erratic and irrational. / Bizarre
symptoms that appear and disappear / Extremely low blood pressure
for several years after breast reconstruction. / Extremely low
blood pressure alternating with very high blood pressure since about 1999. My blood pressure is high now, and am having trouble
keeping it down. / Sky high cholesterol and triglycerides
for several years now./ Blood-clotting problems after surgery
Have silicone capsules forming near my underarms. My Mammogram
done about 1997 (I will check my records on this) showed silicone from my ruptured left breast implant had found it's way
to my right breast. I had 3 or 4 large silicone lumps in my right breast. Now, today they have moved on leaving damaged breast
tissue in my right breast. I had worried about these lumps and went to see my surgeon, taking the mammogram pictures with
me. We looked at them together, he said " that's not cancer". I saw these pictures on his lighted screen and ask him what
they were if not cancer. He replied " I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE, BUT THEY AREN'T CANCER" then I was dismissed.More on this
Severe muscle cramps, muscles twist like pretzels without
warning - side and back of thighs, chest muscles, feet, calves. / Twitching
in my limbs, like little electrical switches are turning off and on. / Often when I lay down,
I have this strange feeling of what I can only compare to " hot water running through my blood vains" It is most unusual
and I can't really explain it very well, but frightening. /

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